Our approach
Our vision is 'No teacher unsupported' - we know that this is a vision we cannot achieve alone. There are 1000s of people working towards this shared goal.
Our take on this is to work deeply with individuals and organisations to make real, lasting and seismic impact.
So how does that support the vision? For every person we make a 'life altering' difference to - they in turn have the power and skills to then make a difference with others. This can only happen though if the work we do with them is regular, sustained and highly personal.
When we started we thought our goal was to get as many schools and individuals involved as possible. As we have matured we understand that the schools and individuals we have had the biggest impact with have been the ones where time and energy has been relentless.
We now live by the rule of 10 and the 10X approach.
Each year we only work with 10 schools across the globe. These schools receive an unparalleled and co-created relationship - one that will shift culture, transform conversations and connections.
Each year we only work with 10 1:1 coaching clients per associate coach. This way we develop those deep relationships where the real work happens.
And for each cohort of our Accredited Award in Coach (AACT) training there will only be 10 places available. We have 3 intakes per year.
If you would like to apply to work with us as one of our 2025 schools, 1:1 coaching clients or for a place on the AACT then please fill out this form below:
Let’s Work Together - apply here
Get in touch so we can start working together.