This is our simple vision and we believe this is possible through the power of coaching.
Welcome to The Educational Coach,
your home for all things coaching.
For teachers by teachers.
1:1 coaching
We support educators at all levels, those at the highest level of seniority (CEO, Principals, Executive heads, Heads and members of senior leadership) as well as ECT and trainee teachers, in addition to non academic and support staff.
Schools programme
​We are passionate about growing coaching cultures in schools. Our programme allows staff to experience coaching, learn coaching skills and practise these skills under our guidance.
Coach training
Providing excellent coach training through our Accredited Award in Coach Training (AACT) and our Accelerated pathway - we are your partner in coaching allowing you access to high quality training leading to certification and supporting accreditation.
The process of coaching is, in the words of John Whitmore:
"Unlocking a person's potential to maximise their performance"
We believe that coaching can support every teacher in every conversation.
School culture is not built on promises on a website, they are created through the effectiveness and impact of...
...every conversation that happens every day, in every school.
Our founder
Driven by her wealth of experience and coaching accreditation, Julie Keyes established The Educational Coach in 2021. She meticulously handpicked a team of exceptional coaches and educators, and introduced The HELP Method, a transformative model she personally designed and implemented in schools worldwide.
Pipped as a 'Woman to Watch' in Education, Julie is a member of The International Coaching Federation (ICF), a fellow member of The Association for Coaching, a DiversEd coach, part of the 'Ladies Who LaunchED' group and an associate consultant for IAPS and Evaluate-Ed.
She is a regular keynote and conference speaker.
True to our name - all our coaches have deep experience in Education - this is a really important part of what we stand for.
Teaching is like no other profession and understanding what works in the school context can only come from having worked within it.
That does not mean we are blinkered - we also have an in- house researcher who ensures that we are outwards and incorporating the best of what has been learnt in other industries so that we can use that within education.
All our coaches are qualified, certified and accredited.
They are passionate about coaching and about supporting teachers.